Name | Type | Description |
orientation | Enum:vertical horizontal | The orientation |
activeid | string | The id of the active tab |
activeindicator | boolean | Whether or not to show the active indicator |
connotation | Enum:accent cta | The connotation the tabs should have. |
gutters | Enum:none small | sets the initial preferred margin from predefined available options |
scrollable-panel | boolean | sets overflow to the tab-panel |
tabs-layout | Enum:align-start stretch | Controls the layout of the tabs. |
Name | Event Type | Description |
change | CustomEvent<HTMLElement> | Fires a custom 'change' event when a tab is clicked or during keyboard navigation |
Name | Description |
default | Default slot. |
Name | Type | Description |
adjust | (adjustment: number) => void | The adjust method for FASTTabs |